Our stay in Tel Aviv was short, just a single night prior to our flight to Nantes. Still, we managed to arrive before shabbat closed Breadberry, a gluten-free bakery Michelle had scoped out. Michelle and I took a walk...
Travel with Child: Pro Tips

Before Zev was born and just after I left Microsoft, Michelle and I loaded up two backpacks, rented out our house and vagabonded around Europe for three months. We didn’t have an itinerary, only a vague sense of wanting...
Dutch Resistance Museum

Zev is a boy. He doesn’t cleave to all the gender stereotypes (he loves to dance, is emotionally articulate), but he does like war. He likes to play war, he likes to learn about war, he likes to talk...
Dance Where You Are

We stumbled on a bit of “silent disco” exploring the Joordan in Amsterdam today: a group of people dancing in virtual silence, all sharing the same beats via headphone. Needless to say, we scooped up a couple pairs of...
Algarve Camping

We were a little spooked by Lagos, honestly. With its tangle of identical looking cobbled streets filled with identical looking “touristic” restaurants, its bland town beach filled with selfie-shooting European girls and lizard-tanned British retirees, it felt like tourist...
Praia João d’Arens

We’ve made our way down from Lisbon to the southern coast of Portugal (the Algarve) for some beach and sunshine before we finish up our trip in chilly Amsterdam. Our first stop is in Lagos (pronounced “Lagoosh”), a bit...