You’ve seen it in the photos – that one piece of luggage that’s not a backpack. It’s the piece that bumps us from being the lightweight travelers who bring only carry-ons to that other category who checks their luggage....
Gazpacho in a Box

How awesome is that? Every grocery store in Sevile, from tiny to super, sells gazpacho like it was orange juice. Little tiendas have a house made blend and the big markets have several mass produced brands. And from my...
I Want My Wife Back!

To all those who believe that gluten sensitivity is some made up thing, mentally pairing it with anti-vaxxers and the Food Babe, to you I say blblblblbblbllb! A week ago, we made our way down to the Time Out Market, a...
Night Train to Lisbon

Night Train to Lisbon! Such fun to have our own cabin with fold-down beds. We got to watch the Basque countryside slide by, sprinkled with glimpses of farms and valleys, terracotta towns and huffing factories, snapshot of teenage girls...
San Sebastian

We spent last week in San Sebastian on the north Atlantic coast of Spain with my brother’s family. We’d had a great time, although I’m not sure I would direct a traveller there. The architecture is wonderfully ornate, like a little...