We’ve been living in Florence for just over a week now and are settling into the pleasant rhythms of our days. We’ve rented a spacious and warm two bedroom apartment in the heart of the city (right here on...
Home, Sweet Florence
I hope this doesn’t sound corny or anything, cuz it’s just true. Moments after we stepped off the train into Florence, we both immediately felt we had found the place we were looking for, somewhere we could settle down...
Terme di Saturnia
Best…Hot Springs…Ever! What’s usually wrong with hot springs? Lots! Par example: Crowded Pools to shallow, you have to contort yourself to actually submerge Water flow inadequate, stagnates with the slough of a hundred people’s acne and eczema Stench of...
Tomba del Faggeto

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Gunfire popped in the trees around us and the clamor of the dog pack was clearly drawing closer. Ordinarily under such circumstances (if there are any ordinary circumstances that involve being caught in a cross fire), the thought...
Rappin’ MACBA
Mark and I came across a group of kids rapping and beatboxing in a circle in front of MACBA one night in Barcelona. It sounded awesome. Video: MACBA rapper
The Dreaded Mullet

Oddest fashion item from Barcelona: the dreadlock mullet. Mullets in general abound, sharp cropped and flat, shaggy and curly, but over and over we see it: long dreadlocks party in the back and a short, practical business crop in...
Pintxos and tapas, oh yum!
Food in Barcelona has been a big step up from France, although we still rely heavily on bread and cheese as our staples (and, consequently, I may need to staple my stomach when I get home if things continue...